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Patient Participation Group

Working Together to Improve our Practice

Healthwatch Sefton

by PPG Admin Article

Healthwatch Sefton

To find out much more about the work we do and how to get help and support for both health and social care issues, call the free-phone number above or go online at Every local authority area in England has a Healthwatch and they are funded by, but independent of the local authority and any other monitoring organisation.


We provide a voice for local people to express what their needs and desires are for Health, Social and Mental care.


We collect experiences from the public about health and social care issues at the local hospitals including Aintree and by working with other groups who provide people with health & social care support throughout the Borough. We also collect experiences from individuals directly by phone and on our website (see above).

Based upon the input we receive, we can conduct a process known as an Enter & View, where a Healthwatch (HW) team will conduct announced and unannounced visits to hospitals, care homes, GP surgeries and other social and healthcare providers who are funded by public money. We have the power to ensure that the service providers understand and follow-up on any issues or findings. The findings are in the public domain and so go to organisations like the Care Quality Commission (CQC), the local Commissioners for services (CCG) and the Local Authority including Public Health. Issues of a non-local scale are passed to Healthwatch England, NHS England and the Department of Health.

During the ‘flu clinics held by Ainsdale Medical Centre last year and this year, we organised a Health Fare where the patients from the practice could be made aware of what help and support is available within Sefton.


An essential part of the information collecting is by networking with other volunteer and 3rd sector support groups. We also have two Community Champions groups, one covering North Sefton and the other South Sefton. The Ainsdale Medical Centre is a member of the Southport & Formby Community Champions.

Ken Lowe, Locality Representative for Birkdale & Ainsdale


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